Physics In Physics

Physics in Physics: June 2013

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

CSIR-NET 2013 Question Papers

Joint CSIR UGC NET Exam Question Papers
Exam DateSubjectAnswer Keys  
June 2013
Chemical Sciences 

Earth Sciences 

Life Sciences 

Mathematical Sciences 

Physical Sciences 

Engineering Sciences 
Key for June 2013 JRF/NET exam 
question papers will be uploaded 
in the first week of July 2013

Friday, 21 June 2013

Hubble finds hints of a planet oddly far-flung from its star

If confirmed, the dark gap in space debris will challenge astronomers' theories

A dark ring appears about halfway through the dusty disk surrounding the star TW Hydrae in this Hubble Space Telescope image. A planet may have swept away debris, creating the gap.
NASA, ESA, J. Debes/STScI, H. Jang-Condell/Univ. of Wyoming, A. Weinberger/Carnegie Inst. of Washington, A. Roberge/GSFC, G. Schneider/Univ. of Arizona, A. Feild/STScI
A mysterious gap in a star’s dusty shell of debris could be the signature of a young planet circling its sun at twice the distance of Pluto’s orbit. If it does exist, the far-flung planet’s birth may be hard for astronomers to explain.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Light breaks up to cloak gaps in time

Method could hide messages without sender's knowledge

A device that manipulates light to open up small gaps in time has crept toward implementation outside the lab. Detailed June 5 in Nature, it could soon improve security over fiber-optic lines or improve data streaming rates.
“It’s exciting to see this exotic manipulation of light and its applications for communications and data processing,” says Alexander Gaeta, a Cornell University physicist who demonstrated the first time cloak two years ago (SN: 8/13/11, p. 12).
The term “cloak” can bring to mind Harry Potter-esque materials that hide an object at a specific point in space. These cloaks, a hot area of research since they were proposed in 2006, manipulate light so that an observer cannot see a stationary object.
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