DNA stores poems, a photo and a speech
Scientists store and then retrieve 750 kilobytes of data in DNA
Big data could soon be stored in a very small package: DNA. A
team of scientists has demonstrated that storing information in
synthetic DNA could represent a feasible approach to managing data in
the long term, bumping aside the magnetic tape favored by archivists
The approach, published online January 23 in Nature,
relies on technologies that are likely to become faster and cheaper,
says biologist and engineer Drew Endy of Stanford University, who was
not involved in the work.
Unlike record players, which are good only for playing music
encoded on now-obsolete vinyl discs, machines that make and read DNA
find uses throughout science and always will. “Human beings are never
going to stop caring about DNA,” says Endy. DNA is also compact,
lightweight, and can potentially remain intact for thousands of years if
stored in a dark, cool environment.
To illustrate the technique, the research team stored five files —
totaling about 750 kilobytes of data — as DNA: all 154 of Shakespeare’s
sonnets (a text file), Watson and Crick’s classic 1953 paper describing
the structure of DNA (a PDF), a color photograph (a JPEG) and a
26-second excerpt from Martin Luther King’s 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech
(an MP3).
This new report comes on the heels of similar research published last August in Science.
The new research projects that, if the costs of making DNA continue to
drop, the approach might be economical for long-term storage in as
little as 10 years.
“It’s genuinely exciting,” Endy says.
Led by Nick Goldman, researchers from the European Bioinformatics
Institute in England began by converting the five files into bits
(technically, “trits” — they used a triplet code comprising zero, one
and two). Then they translated that code into one made of As, Cs, Gs and
Ts, the “letters” of DNA. So TAGAT replaces the “T” that begins line
two of Shakespeare’s sonnet 18: “Thou art more lovely and more
temperate.” The team also incorporated a way to index the data — sort
of a DNA version of the Dewey Decimal System — and an error correction
code to keep the data clean.
Then the researchers sent their code to the instrumentation
company Agilent Technologies in Santa Clara, Calif. There scientists
read the code and used it to build millions upon millions of DNA
molecules, which they sent back to the researchers via FedEx in a test
tube inside a cardboard box.
When the test tube, about the size of a pinkie finger, arrived,
Goldman and his colleagues sequenced the DNA, the same way researchers
read the DNA of organisms, reconstructing the original files. The
translation from data to DNA and back was free of errors, says Goldman.
The approach isn’t likely to replace thumb drives anytime soon. But in
the next decade, it could store information that needs to last for at
least 50 years, such as government records or library texts. And who
knows where it will go, wonders Goldman. Perhaps, he says, “when the
cloud sucks things off your computer, it will be to store it as DNA.
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