Catch and Release of Photons
March 4, 2013
Physics 6, 25 (2013)
Catch and Release of Microwave Photon States
Published March 4, 2013 | PDF (free)
Storage and Control of Optical Photons Using Rydberg Polaritons
Published March 4, 2013 | PDF (free)
APS/Antoine Browaeys
Figure 1
In their experiment, Yin et al. tune the energy levels g and e in a superconducting circuit so that the transition frequency ν
is resonant with the microwave cavity resonator. The resonator is
connected to a transmission line with an adjustable coupling constant κ , which controls the release of microwave photons.
APS/Antoine Browaeys
Figure 2
In the experiment of Maxwell et al.,
the interface consists of an atomic cloud of rubidium atoms, whose
states have a ladder configuration (shown on the right). The combination
of a weak signal laser and control laser excites one atom (shown in
red) into a Rydberg state r ,
while the other atoms remain in the ground state due to Rydberg
blockade (see text). The researchers can couple this collective
polariton state to another Rydberg state r′ using microwaves (MW).
Two new papers in Physical Review Letters present original and complementary developments in the pursuit of a practical matter-photon quantum interface . At first sight the two systems look very different. However, a closer look reveals many similarities that will be detailed below. But before doing that, let us sketch out the criteria that a quantum interface should fulfill . First, you want a medium that can absorb photons as efficiently as possible, so that information is not lost. Second, you want these photons to be stored in the medium for durations as long as possible. And third, you want to be able to release the photons on demand. These criteria are enough for an electronic memory device that might be part of an optical fiber network, but in order to make a quantum interface, you are going to need to store the quantum information of the photons in the degrees of freedom of the medium. The fragile nature of this quantum information complicates the entire enterprise.
Many strategies exist for trying to capture the quantum information of a photon. Examples of possible interfaces include ions in rare-earth crystals, laser-cooled atoms or ions, and hot vapors . The two works described here present original systems that are only starting to be studied but are full of promise.
In the first case, Yi Yin from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and colleagues use an artificial atom trapped in a cavity to catch and release microwave photons
The breakthrough that this paper achieves is to provide a controllable coupling
Daniel Maxwell and his colleagues from Durham University in the UK operate a very different system. In their case, the photons are in the optical domain (with wavelength of
Maxwell et al. begin by shining the control beam on the atom cloud. They then turn on a very weak signal pulse (ultimately it can contain only one photon) that excites only one out of all the atoms because of the Rydberg blockade. The cloud is dense enough that the signal pulse is efficiently absorbed (stored) when propagating through the cloud. The tricky point here is that we don’t know which atom is excited, so the cloud is in a collective quantum state, called a polariton , which is a superposition of all states with just one excited atom and the rest of the atoms in the ground state. At the end of the storage time, the team releases a photon by turning on the control beam alone: this triggers the deexcitation of the one Rydberg atom to the intermediate state, from which it emits a single photon at the same frequency as the signal beam. Importantly, the released photon has the same direction as the control laser because of constructive interference. In this system, the long-lived Rydberg state acts like a cavity to store the light. Likewise, the control beam, which effectively “opens the cavity” to release a photon, is equivalent to the mirror with controllable transmission in the case of Yin et al.
For both devices the storage time of the photons is limited to only a few microseconds due to losses, but both research groups have identified the loss mechanisms and thus should be able to increase the storing duration in the future. But, quite importantly, they have also demonstrated some quantum manipulations over the systems that make them good candidates for a practical quantum interface. For example, Yin et al. showed that they can catch and release a wave pulse without disturbing its phase. They have also demonstrated that this phase is preserved even if the quantum state of the photons is nonclassical. For their part, Maxwell et al. showed quantum control over the polariton by using microwave light to couple the Rydberg state to another Rydberg state. This control is impressive, as it implies the coupling of the whole fragile superposition of the atoms in the cloud to a new polariton with a different Rydberg state, which is not coupled to the controlled laser. With their demonstrated level of control, both groups have the ability to shape the emitted photon wave packet, and also to prepare an arbitrary nonclassical state of the light.
The progress displayed here is significant, but the performance of these interfaces still needs to be improved. For example, the ability to capture light is only around
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